Two interesting things happened today. One, in the middle of a conversation he was having with someone else, a guy on H Street tried to sell me a baby turtle. He was standing with hands full of about four miniature aquariums, each containing many multi-colored little rocks, a bit of water, and a tiny dark green turtle. I believe his exact words were, "Excuse me miss, can I interest you in a baby turtle?" OMG, how did you know? And I thought they just dealt drugs here.
The second interesting thing occured tonight when I walked into my bathroom to brush my teeth. For some reason, I turned around to gaze at my newly scrubbed to gleaming tub, and saw my fave! a medium sized multi-legged house centipede. However, this time, my heart didn't even skip a beat as I noticed he was continually sliding back down the sides of the tub. I kinda felt sorry for the little guy, especially after having done some Wikipedianess on his nasty butt and learning, to my shock, that they actually eat other gross creepy crawlies. I continued to watch him in fascination and pity as his many feet struggled for purchase on the white ceramic. At one point, his body rather comically stayed in one place while his legs moved frantically as if they were playing invisible miniscule piano keys. I just didn't have the heart to go grab my flip-flop and squish his tiny body on the underside of my sole. Cruel, I know, as he'll probably die there from starvation. Perhaps a cockroach will crawl up out of the drain and they'll engage in an insect UFC fight that ends with Mr. Centipede having La Cucaracha for dinner. Now that's something I'd like to see. Mixed martial arts have nothing on you-better-win-this-or-I'll-eat-your-torso combat.
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