Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It snowed all day on Monday. I woke up to three or four inches on the ground, and the sky continued to sputter out sporadic smatterings of flakes until finally letting it all loose again in floating wet tendrils until dark. This is unusual for the South and made all the headlines of the newspaper that arrived a day late and was the top story of the evening news. The upside was playing in it and getting snow up my shirt from making a snow angel and watching the birds hop around in it like they'd been transported to another planet. They were practically looking at each other saying, "We already are south for the winter."

The downside, for those of us no longer in school, was the city and the county shut down. No newspaper, roads covered with re-located slush that completely froze over, and coffee houses whose one employee couldn't make it in to open up meaning that, once again, I was relegated to a world with no internet. The information highway hasn't been open my entire life, but I am at a loss as to how people got anything done in the early days. What did we do for fun before TV shows and movies were streaming at our fingertips? Watched the birds play in the snow, I guess. And made snow cream from the piles of it scooped off my truck hood. YUM. Sure glad the ozone is clean... or wait....

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