Thursday, March 10, 2011


Boredom. Let's explore.

It's those moments of "life can NOT be this unexciting." In all events, it's raining outside, which gives me something at which to look. If I'm not doing anything interesting, at least the sky is. The thing about boredom though, is that even though I have lots of unsolicited time on my hands, there doesn't seem to be much I feel like doing with it. Like, I could have painted a mural today. Yesterday, I'm sure had I been so inclined, I could have cranked out several chapters of one of my books. Did I do so? Pssshhh, no. Instead, I watched TV, which by no means is a favorite pastime of mine, read a book I had checked out from the library until the words started to run together and my eyes drifted shut, and due to aforementioned drifting, took several naps and then played my Ukulele. But I am remiss: I did, indeed, accomplish one thing of worth to other people, but quickly gave up on going above and beyond, instead slamming my computer shut and walking back through the gray weather to my house to stare at my wall. This even led to spontaneous working out. Maybe that's the secret, folks. Bore yourself almost to death, and then you'll start exercising just for something to do. New workout regiment? Done.

Sigh. It's official. I'm a bum.

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