Savannah creeps up on you slowly. You can be out in the middle of nowhere-ville Georgia tidal country, and half an hour down a two-lane highway later, big houses and Spanish moss are flanking the car doors on either side. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil made this city famous, and one can see why. One block in and you're practically walking on the pages themselves, descriptive words flying around at every turn. From the antiqued green fountains anchoring every square to the Southern mansions holding down the perimeters, this city drips old world Southern charm. Throw in the Savannah river, a brick walk along side, some quaint tourist trap shops and seafood restaurants, and the image is complete. Sprinkled with the occasional Jimmy Buffet cover artist of course.

Henry Ford had a plantation here that is simply beautiful and sizably ostentatious, and I was told that Juliet Gordon Low's house was a teensy bit scandalous due to her having placed her garden in the front yard. Everyone knows that when you work in the garden, menfolk can see your wrists, and that's just a bit too risqué. I can't find supporting information anywhere on the internet however, so that could be either accurate or inaccurate history. Bygones. At the very least, it's an interesting tidbit.