A road trip down I-95 South in the Carolinas isn't a road trip without a stop at South of the Border - truly the tackiest place on Earth. I hear from my Mom's and from Jenilee's childhood recollections that this place used to be a wonderland of color, yummy oh-so-bad-for-you food, and millions of kids' gotta-have-this trinkets that are the bane of every parent's existence. South of the Border hasn't changed that much, but viewing it as an adult is a bit like seeing through a glamour that's cracked and peeling around the edges. Oh don't worry... the garish colors still abound on every fiberglass surface the eye can see, the unhealthy food is sold daily in any one of Pedro's various restaurants, and the kitchy brick-a-brack with which people still somehow manage to litter their houses dangles from every nook and cranny on both sides of the highway.
For $2.90, you TOO can own your very own Pedro!

You can also purchase more than enough salt-peter products to effectively blow up a front yard on a redneck holiday, and last but not least, please pet the Fruit Stripes zebras on your way back to the car. Be careful. Turns out they're not bolted down, and people must have run out of space on the cinderblock bathroom walls because they have Sharpied some not so nice things on their chests. Oh Carolina - practically another country even without a successful secession.
Oh SOB how I love theee (and by SOB I mean South of the Border.. haha)