Saturday, January 23, 2010

2 am

It's 2 am again. For some reason during the last month I have found it cool to stay up into the wee hours of the morning. I'm blaming it on New Years Eve, an event from which I still have yet to recover. My body, however, is not a convert of these early morning bed times. Sigh. My excuse tonight is - I have to write something! I created this thing with the sole intent and purpose to get something down on paper (read computer screen) on a daily basis, a task I failed at yesterday, well technically both yesterdays since I've already surpassed the slide into tomorrow, and now, although not technically terribly interesting, I'm spitting in the face of resistance. Ha! Take that!

All of this while I listen to the lady with the cane walk by the alley outside my window against the back drop of the retards that have decided to inhabit the H street parking lot, making loud ridiculous comments despite the fact that it is, indeed, 2 in the morning and there's a row of houses behind them. Ahh, but they're young and having fun! Who cares if they're waking the neighbors? It's times like these I wish I had a Rottweiler; big, nasty and slobbery, programmed to scare the bejesus out of anyone as soon as he heard the F bomb. I'd call him Fluffy. Go get 'em boy! Show 'em who's boss.

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