Thursday, February 25, 2010

Quotes Worth Repeating

"I's tryin' to be good and didn't get me a cookie."
-Woman leaving Sidamo coffee house. She was a little overweight and may or may not have been wearing a hair net. You may have had to be there for this one, but it was kinda hilarious. 

"That's the third time in a row that mo fo's gone and locked itself on me!"
-Man referring to his car in the alley outside my house. I feel like this is a time when reading your owner's manual definitely comes in handy.

"When me and you gonna go see a movie?"
-Davino, one of the hoodies that hangs outside my house
"Umm, probably never."
-My response, not the least of which was due to the fact that he'd just finished telling me about his boil ("BAWL. I had a bawl, you know what dat is?"), how he'd gone to the hospital to have it operated on, how it had then gotten all infected and started oozing nasty stuff, but not to worry, it was better.
"Oh it's like dat huh?" -Davino
"It is like that." - Me 

1 comment:

  1. My favorite moment was yesterday morning at the bus stop when two women started yelling at each other, threatening to kill each other and talking about who was more likely to go back to the "crack pipe". I love my morning commute.
