Saturday, July 24, 2010

It's Too Darn Hot

I have heard a rather nasty rumor that it is supposed to get up to 102 degrees today. I'm not sure I understand that statement. I walked out of my house last night at 10pm on a quest to buy a frozen pizza (quest unsuccessful), and it was still 92. The sun had been down for a good hour and a half, and, as my co-worker at the box office so adequately said, "it felt like the outside was breathing on you. It's disgusting." I agree. I usually adjust to heat pretty well, but this is a bit much. It makes me laugh that the heat makes the front page of the Washington Post and various national news shows, and people that live in Arizona are complaining that they live in triple digit heat constantly throughout the summer and it never makes the news, thereby reducing all of us that live on the Eastern seaboard to pansies. I beg to differ. My response to these asinine comments is twofold: One, temperatures in Arizona drop to somewhere in the pleasant mid-70s if not lower once the sun drops. Two, you don't know jack about triple digit heat plus 85+ percent humidity. Here's a home experiment to try: take a woolen blanket, soak it in water that's been heated in your coffee pot, wrap it around you, then go outside in midday when the sun is at its peak and all the mercury in the thermometers is bursting at the seams, proceed to walk around trying to breathe, and then talk to me about a heat wave. The powers that be (I guess this is the weather service?) have issued warnings to people that essentially say, "It's really hot outside. Don't be stupid. Drink water and and try not to pass out." I am happy to oblige.

1 comment:

  1. I personally love all the idiots who continue running in the heat! Way to make more work for the emergency services!

    Yeah I can take triple digit heat in Jordan, where there is no such thing as humidity, but this weekend was ridiculous!
