Monday, May 21, 2012

Because She Said So...

This post is dedicated to my mother. Who has said I HAVE to start blogging again. Even if it's just to write about how I spent my weekend digging through the dumpster at my old coffeehouse in order to rescue some cardboard pastry boxes that were just begging to be made into book covers. Considering I recently spent 10 days in Egypt doing life with people living in a community that looks and smells like a dumpster, the irony of my current task was not lost on me. So my mother has informed me that I should inform the world at large that I did that. And that since I have returned, I have eaten both granola and corn chip crumbs off of my kitchen floor (it looked clean... ish) and pulled saran wrap back out of the garbage to re-wrap my quartered head of cabbage. What can I say? I am not a fan of wasting things. And I will re-wash those ziploc bags until the sponge rubs through the plastic. Unless its former contents was liquid. In that case, sorry landfill, but you're winning some more refuse.

My roommates and I also tried rather unsuccessfully to start a compost in our back yard. I need not iterate the various life forms that evolved within the damp, warm ecosystem housed in that trash bin. It's times like these when one needs a goat. Screw the nutrient rich soil, I just need something to eat all of the rotting things that stink up my trash. I'm trying to be environment friendly. Yet I go into the office and cringe at the amount of paper I'm tossing away. Granted, it is being filed in the paper recycling box, but I wonder... Are these sheets really being re-used? Are those reams of paper sliding through the printer gears really reincarnated relics of past rough drafts and memos? My eyebrows raise with skepticism. 

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