Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bubble Gum Tutus

Does the recent royal engagement have any other 28-yr old girl wishing she were a princess? It's getting a bit ridiculous. I'd never even heard the name Kate Middleton until about a week ago, and in Germany no less, and now she's popping up everywhere, and I find myself running to the TV room the minute I hear her name. Although by all indications (we were born the same year, he's royalty, he's handsome, etc. etc.) I should have had posters of Prince William plastered all over my bedroom walls as a teenager, but I didn't. I'd occasionally read a story standing in line at the grocery store, but wasn't nearly as fascinated as half the world. I mourned the loss of his mother just like the rest of the planet, but more because I, too, was fifteen when it happened and couldn't imagine what he must have been feeling every time I saw his somber face grace another broadcast about Diana's death. The past decade, my finger has been as far off the pulse of British royalty as it could get, but now he's engaged, and I want to BE this girl. Not necessarily because she's marrying Prince William, I'm sure he's great, but she's gonna be a freakin' princess!! What does that feel like when one goes to sleep at night? It's every six year old girl's dream. It's why the girls' section of toy departments looks like a bubble gum colored tutu exploded and rained down tiara shrapnel.

In our late 20's, though, this dream takes on a much classier, elegant air and the tutus and tiaras are replaced with sleek designer dresses and Glamour and shiny expanses of floors just begging to be danced upon. This girl is taking up half a page of the Style section in the Charlotte paper and I am positively green with envy. I wanna be a princess! No fair! (cue protruding lower lip and foot stomp)

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