Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lufthansa, where have you been all my life?

Let me just say, for the record, that I LOVE Lufthansa airlines. One, they give you booze for free. Not that I'm a huge boozer myself, but when the drink cart comes round and they're offering me red or white wine, champagne or beer at no extra charge, I am happy to oblige. After dinner, the stewardess even waived a bottle of Bailey's around to gauge interest. It's like the bottle was glowing and angelic voices were singing "Ahhhh!" I do love that stuff. If you're ever offering it for free, Yes ma'am, sign me up.

Two, they have Tillamook cheese slices with every meal. I enjoyed two delicious pieces, one with my glass of red, the other after a sleepless night sitting almost straight up one seat over from the funniest, most critical 80-yr old Czechoslovakian woman I've ever met. Her fingers were like sausages as they indignantly flipped magazine pages, she muttering her displeasure about the man in front of her practically sleeping in her lap the entire flight. And the whole plane heard about it.

Three, they brought around water and juice at least once an hour, regardless of the comatose state of the plane. Thank you sincerely, Lufthansa! I'm so glad to see that you're concerned about my possible dehydration. It's those small little touches that make all the difference. Airlines in America, please take note.

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