Friday, December 24, 2010


Someone please tell me why I only got around to watching Ironman two nights ago? People kept telling me it was awesome, but for some reason, I would always shrug it off. It's even been in my Netflix Watch Instantly queue for months now, and it's only because they're threatening to make it unavailable at the end of the year that I got my tail in gear and pressed play.

It. Was. Great. Outside of the most recent Batman movies, this is the only movie I've seen based on a comic book that never went Cheez Whiz on me. Robert Downey Jr. was perfect as Tony Stark. He was his usual quippy, sardonic self, but that's part of what I love about him. In contrast, it was also one of my reasons for originally not wanting to see the movie because it was hard to picture him as a super hero, but I LOVED him as this one. I lost count of the number of times I laughed out loud, especially during the beta trials of his new suit. I could rewatch the part where he slams himself into the wall eleventy times. He got his butt kicked often and actually came away from it bloody and worse for the wear. I do not like superheroes who get hurt and then two seconds later, their wounds have disappeared and they don't even have super healing.

The writing, plot, and casting were all right on, although I found the chemistry between Downey and Paltrow slightly lacking. It felt more like a friendship then anything, and while I enjoyed their interactions, I'm glad it never became a major focus. I hate it when the love interest feels forced for the purpose of appealing to a female audience. I appreciated, too, that the major conflict in the film paralleled current events, thereby giving it more relevance. It made a not so subtle point about the situation in the Middle East; a point easier to swallow because there was a hero who could effectively solve the combative problems that the US has encountered throughout. It makes me wish there really WAS an Ironman.

All in all, a really fun ride from start to finish. Yet another movie that's moving RDJ up in my list of favorites. Keep 'em comin'.

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