Monday, August 29, 2011

6 Interesting Things I Saw in Chinatown Today

I highly suggest every now and then taking a walk just to see what's going on outside. Like Amèlie, the quirky French girl of cinema fame, I noticed a few things that stood out during my excursion to Chinatown.

6) A pigeon with a broken wing. Cruising along on the sidewalk just like every other passerby, but much less tall and I wonder if he'll make it through the night or end up some alley cat's dinner. Sad face

5) A guy in a purple and black Yamaka with matching backpack.

4) A man wearing a 2 sizes too big olive green suit over a bright red button up shirt. I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't looking at a cartoon.

3) Three young black men in a jazz band on the corner of 7th and F St. All with facial hair, one wearing a redskins jersey, another in a black hipster tie, and as an ensemble, really rather talented. They were playing the sax instrumental version of O-o-h Child. Had I a dollar in my pocket, I would have parted with it in their guitar case.

2) Greenpeace guys complete with beards and flannel shirts. I may have gone an extra two blocks out of my way to avoid them. Why does everyone solicit on those exact two square feet in Chinatown? If I see one more person in a "Stop Bitching and Start a Revolution" shirt, I'm going to throw my slushy in their face and say "I just did."

1) The Government Accountability Office still in operation.

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