Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Everything I Need to Know in Life I Learned From Salsa - Part Dos

Conversing with strangers on the dance floor when they're a foot away is not entirely comfortable. Trying to figure out steps during a lesson when you think you know the right way and they think they know the right way when in reality, neither of you is correct, is tense. There's pushing and pulling and lots of "No, your hand should be on my back"s and "I think we're supposed to be holding hands this way"s and "Are you sure that's the way you turn?" which then translates into blundering moments during open dance where if I don't learn to keep my elbows away from people's cheekbones, I'm going to be in real trouble on the salsa circuit.

I have to say though, as a bit of a pat on the back, that I must be improving somewhat since one of the better dancers on the floor asked me to dance twice last night. The really good ones make me nervous. All of the sudden, I start thinking too much (story of my life, le sigh). They figure out that I turn rather well and the next thing I know, our arms are all pretzeled over our heads, my elbow is once again precariously close to his face and I'm inwardly dreading how the next 3 seconds are gonna go. I'm laughing nervously, my partner's face maintains the expression of a Greek statue (could you just smile guy, so that I know we're ok and you're not praying for the end of the song?) and my usual ability to read people goes straight out the window. Cue unease and a slight blush of embarrassment. Finally the song draws to a close, there's the customary hand squeeze and exchange of "Thank you"s but do they really mean it? AGH, it's so hard to tell! Nevermind, I'll just go home and dance by myself. At least most of the time I know what I'm thinking...

Lesson #2 - Life is awkward. (So is that word, by the way. I mean just look at it: three awkward looking consonants squished between two vowels. Rather appropriate I say...) Interactions with strangers are rarely going be suave and effortless. No one is 100% sure of themselves all the time, even the Greek statue faced guys who've had lots of professional lessons. And occasionally you're going to whack someone in the face. It just happens. Go with it. We're all stumbling through this mess together.

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