Saturday, May 8, 2010

It Begins.

So the trip begins. I have to first comment on the absolute miniscule size of the Greenville/Spartanburg airport in SC. Not only did the 250 foot stretch of unloading area make me laugh (I turned to my brother and said “You’re kidding me. This is it?”), but in place of actual newstands or built in restaurants, there was only half a wall of vending machine type refrigeration shelves selling everything from small pashmina scarves to a 20 oz Coke for the bargain price of $2.73. It’s nice to know that even in the undeveloped country of South Carolina you can still get scalped buying a Coke at the airport. Now there’s the comfort of flying to which I’m accustomed.

I did get stopped at security (forgot to take off my Burkha, woops!), but mainly because my backpack was so heavy that I could have been smuggling a small child from Haiti. For everyone’s safety, my bag was examined, and when no small child was found, I was given the go ahead to proceed to Gate A6 where I was met with 16 waiting room seats arranged around weird metal cylinders that airports tend to pass off as coffee tables. Except, wait, there’s no Starbucks here so what the heck am I supposed to set on it? The other people on my flight appear to all be older than me by at least 25 years save one small Indian girl and a bleached blond teenager chewing gum and reading what I’m betting is Twilight.

Boarding announcement, yay. Time to get this show on the road. Ahh, the joys of traveling. It’s good to be back.


  1. I FREAKING MISS YOU!!! :-) Glad to see that you arrived safely to SC & girl, I think maybe its a sign that you start reading twilight ;-) hahahah!

  2. Umm, I DID read Twilight along with the other three monstrosities that go along with it and am seriously regretting the loss of those hours of my life.
